Monday, May 23, 2016

Apple's New iPhone 7 - Steve Jobs Is Rolling Over In His Grave

Hacky doesn't normally do product reviews.  I find such reviews shallow and pedantic. You family guy fans know what I'm talking about! ;)

I'm not one to stand in line for hours awaiting the newest iPhone release. I admired and respected Steve Jobs, but didn't consider ending it all when he passed. Sorry Steve :(

However, I do consider myself an apple enthusiast and am a fan of Steve's work and ingenuity. I've owned various iPhones, iPads, iPods, and even went balls deep with a 27" iMac. I'd always loved Apples products. Note the 'd' on the end of love - as in past tense.

Apple's latest product announcement concerning the next generation iPhone was so overwhelmingly pathetic and disappointing, Droid users everywhere nearly broke the internet with their inevitable tsunami of trolling comments. Sadly, they may be right this time.

The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7s are due out in about 4 months. The imagination wanders when thinking of the infinite possibilities of what Apple might improve on the iPhone 7. Will Siri finally understand me? Will my battery last more than 2 hours if I'm running more than 1 app? Waterproof? A microSD expansion slot so I don't FOREVER have 'your storage is almost full warnings'. 

Drumroll please....and the winner of the lamest achievement award in mobile tech goes to APPLE for the iPhone 7. An OLED Display...that's it? Yawn. Double Yawn. F'ing call me Rip Van Winkle. 

"Awwww Dude! Sweeeeet! Now me and my bros can all huddle around and watch Point Break on 4.7 inches of total awesomeness!" 

OLED is a technology that's been around for YEARS. Yes YEARS. OLED screens are already used in many high end android devices. It's available in 65" big screen tv's for crying out loud. Bottomline, OLEDs aren't anything special.

Apple, once at the forefront of innovation, has become the Hodor of the technology world. Anyone excited about the iPhone 7 release would probably be just as excited if Apple decided to come out with a Nintendo 64-esque gaming console (I'm sure Tim Cook's mind just exploded like one of those commercials). Make no mistake, the iPhone 7 appears to be on a collusion course with it's very own Waterloo, or as we call it in the technology world, 'Windows Vista'. So where does that leave us?

As yuppie hipsters everywhere ponder whether to dedicate mommy and daddy's money to the new iPhone 7 or a 3 month supply of Starbucks, one can only hope that maybe Apple is holding something back. After the lame duck 7 runs it's lifecycle (which will hopefully be a short one), Apple is planning a complete overhaul of the 10th anniversary iPhone. After the last few products they've released have shown little more than a kindergartner's dexterity for ingenuity, I'm not going to hold my breath.

Hey Apple, take it from Hacky - consider overhauling your entire company...not just the 10th anniversary iPhone.

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