Saturday, December 13, 2014

Press+ Plus Annoying Cookie Popup - Get Rid Of It!

Hey Guys,

This is a follow up to my original article: Press+ - How to get rid of those annoying content blockers on your favorite news site without paying which worked perfectly for hundreds of readers. I recommend taking the steps there first, and if you still get annoying popups, continue reading.

So Press+ Plus has been trying to annoy online press publication readers into paying their ransom to read news sites by using the following popup: 

Like anyone is actually dumb enough to do that so they can block themselves from reading the article. After following the steps in my original article to remove the blocks Press Plus has placed on news articles (which incidentally, uses the cookies they want you to reactivate),  you can simply close this annoying popup, or you can take it one step further so you never have to deal with them again.

Chrome offers a simple extension to block annoying popups like this. The AdBlock extension uses the ad's unique id to block it.  Here's the steps you need to block this popup permanently:

1) Add the AdBlock extension to chrome.
2) Once installed, you'll see this icon in your upper right hand corner of your browser: 

3) When the popup pops up, right-click on the icon, and click "Block an ad on this page"
4) Place your cursor over the white section of the ad so it highlights the whole ad, not just the title or the logo, then click ok. You'll know you're blocking the right ad id by seeing the following in the adblock window: 

Blocked element:
id="pp-outer" >

5) Click "Looks Good", and presto! No more annoying press+ popups!

Happy Hacking!



  1. Great good idea! Instead of paying journalists to do the work that benefits the community, you avoid paying the newspaper, which ultimately goes out of business and you get stupider because there's nothing left to read on the internet. Smart.

    1. Oh look, the people from press plus showed up to post under an anonymous sweet. There's a few sad things here:
      A) If the people at press plus could code worth a damn, articles like this wouldn't exist. Frankly, getting around their blocks took less than 5 minutes.
      B) People are already barraged by a gluttony of ad's no matter what new's site they go to regardless of whether press plus get's a cut of the action or not.
      C) The entire concept of 'pay-to-read' sites is inherently flawed. The reason is that people can just as easily go to another news site that's free for their news. By charging for access, all a publication is doing is decreasing their readership, which in turn, reduces the impact of the other advertisers on the page. What a brilliant marketing strategy!

  2. It works better to create a custom filter like this: ||*

  3. Great Tip Paul! I think you're right, it would cover multiple sites using your filter rather than just one. Cheers, Hacky.

  4. All one has to do is remove the version and the Safari tag from the end of their UserAgent and press plus will not fire.
    Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_3 like MAC OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/12F69 Safari/600.1.4


Feel free to send along any questions, comments, or hacks you'd like to see :)