Monday, December 29, 2014

How To Protect Your Website With A Honey Pot

Computer Security Techniques - Honey Potting - What Is It?

For most, honey potting produces images of James Bond seducing a woman into giving up information about the villain's dastardly plan. While many of us would like to pretend to have the macktastic abilities of James Bond, the computer world is much less romantic though no less thrilling. In the world of 1's and 0's, the battle between good and evil wages on, and honey potting is a technique used by website administrators to trap, detect, or deflect unauthorized users from harming your web site.

Using a honey pot for security is nothing new.  The good news is that this technique has been expounded upon by security professionals to create a hive of honey pots so that if one website is attacked, all other websites in the hive will also be protected.   

Enter Project Honeypot - a network of web pages website admins include on their web server in order to gather information about robots, crawlers, and spiders. There you can request quick links (like this bot trap link) and actually contribute to project honey pot by collecting information on bad bots. 

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